Best techniques to achieve long and gorgeous hair. Techniques to make hair healthy and long, How to enhance hair growth and length, Techniques to get beautiful and long hair
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Today, a big ocean of hair care products is present with a variety of products to make hair healthy, long and gorgeous. They are formulated for different types of hair care and every products provides solution for specific hair problems. However, these products may not work for every one and sometimes it worsens hair problems like hair fall, hair damage, hair breakage and so on.
In hair care products like a shampoo, a rinse, a hair treatment product, a hair setting product silicon compounds are preferred. The silicone type compounds have these years been used extensively because of their excellent properties that contribute to hair health. All these products are used to get healthy long and gorgeous hair in almost every skin and hair clinic and parlor over the globe.
The silicone oils when used may cause conditions such as making hair sticky or undergoing reverse transition of silicone from hair to hand or clothing if the formula contains large amount of silicons or if the use of product is from a long period. Silicones high in molecular weight may appear less compatible with hair care resins or additives, so they have restrictions in formulation whereby their applicability in a range of hair care products is restricted.
The silicone compounds with out such hydrophilic groups as a polyether group are difficult to be removed by simple hair washing. So natural oil is still considered best practice for long term hair care. Hair oils are also available in markets in shape of cosmetic oils or raw oils both work well for your hair health if you use any of these regularly but off course, buy your oil from a well reputed brand or extract from natural material if possible. More pure oil will give you more long and gorgeous hair.
One of the reason that people find oil therapy effective then other products is that oils seal the moisture in hair and oil sealing is the best treatment for flyaway hair that is frizzy, dry and brittle. This article includes various techniques used since ancient times, which helps to achieve long, thick and gorgeous hair.
Techniques to achieve long and gorgeous hair
- Apply oils into your routine, if you want to improve quality and health of your hair and make them long and strong.
- Try to make your own oil by mixing any four of mentioned oils such as mustard oil, olive oil, castor oil, coconut oil, almond oil and lavender oil. These oils combination will give you best, everlasting results for your hair.
- You can enhance the quality and potency of your oil, by infusing the effects of curry leaves to the oil. This will enable the oil to make hair darker, and also improve hair color to a richer shade.
Boil the oil with some curry leaves in it, untill the leaves start changing their color.
When oil turns into dark color, strain out the leaves and store oil in a bottle for use.
- Warm up the oil before applying it onto the hair. It helps oil to be soaked into the scalp to truly harness its benefits for the hair.
- Do not wash your hair everyday, instead, every other day is good to wash hair. As washing every day strips the hair of natural oils. and make them dry that leads to frizzy hair and split ends.
- Prefer Hibiscus and fenugreek seeds shampoo or any other natural extracts containing shampoo.
- Use natural conditioners such as, Henna paste as it improves hair quality significantly, and nourishes hair thoroughly to promote hair growth. Along with that, this remedy is great for gray hair control and keeping the hair dark and beautiful for much longer.
- Add Vitamin E in your oil to gain healthy long and strong hair. Vitamin E capsules are easily available in market and their use is completely harmless.
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